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Chinese Terracotta Art

Original Chinese Terracotta Art and Pottery by Traditional Artists and Potters
Authentic Chinese baked clay sculpture and pottery created by master craftsmen using centuries-old methods of clay sculpturing and making pottery.
Chinese Terracotta Art
             hile Chinese Terracotta statuettes are a superior art form, their pottery, even the one created for regular use, is so smooth and sharp that one would want to showcase it.

It isn’t a coincident that Chinese Terracotta art and pottery is so evolved but their processes have centuries behind them over which they perfected.

While pottery was created over potter’s wheel and with other tools and implements, statues and figurines were made through a much elaborate process that involved six steps such as preparing the clay, building the figure, carving details, drying, firing and coloring etc.
We bring you authentic collection of Chinese statues and pottery created by master craftsmen with traditional clay-baking techniques followed by coloring.